ATLAS RECAST Tutorial: Main Page

Welcome to the US ATLAS/First-HEP computing bootcamp’s tutorial on ATLAS analysis preservation with RECAST! Now that you’ve seen how docker can reproducibly provide the exact computing environment you want and start up customized applications at a moment’s notice, we’re going to look at an application of docker being used in ATLAS called RECAST. RECAST combines docker and gitlab to fully preserve your ATLAS search analysis so that it can be trivially re-interpreted with a new signal model.


  • A personal repo containing a working version of your VHbb analysis code and gitlab-ci files from the ATLAS CI/CD tutorial. If you have fallen a bit behind on this, don’t worry, as a tutor and we will help you come up to speed lickety split.
  • Knowledge gained from the bootcamp so far, especially this morning’s docker tutorial!


Setup Download files required for the lesson
00:00 1. Introduction What is RECAST and how can it help me make the most of my analysis?
How do docker and gitlab work together to preserve your analysis code and operating environment?
What is needed to fully automate and preserve the analysis workflow?
00:20 2. Athena Release Image What is an Athena release?
How are ATLAS release images built?
00:50 3. Gitlab CI and Docker for Environment Preservation How does gitlab CI/CD help me continuously keep my containerized analysis environment(s) up-to-date?
What do I need to add to my gitlab repo(s) to enable this functionality?
01:30 4. Coffee break! Get up, stretch out, take a short break.
01:45 5. Introducing Workflows What is the ultimate physics goal in interpreting our analysis of the VHbb signal model?
What is the goal of RECAST in the context of interpreting our analysis?
How does yadage help us preserve our analysis workflow for re-interpretation?
02:25 6. Intermezzo: Yadage Helloworld What is the syntax to define a basic yadage workflow?
02:55 7. Skimming and Reformatting Steps for RECASTing the VHbb Analysis How do I use the yadage syntax I’ve learned to preserve the analysis steps needed to prepare my signal for interpretation?
03:45 8. Coffee break! Get up, stretch out, take a short break.
04:00 9. Scaling the MC Signal for (Re)interpretation How do I ensure that my MC histograms are scaled properly relative to one another, and to the data?
04:40 10. Signal (Re)interpretation What is a μ-scan, and how do I interpret it?
How is the final interpretation step for the VHbb analysis encoded in yadage?
05:00 Finish

The actual schedule may vary slightly depending on the topics and exercises chosen by the instructor.