Toy Analysis


Teaching: 15 min
Exercises: 15 min
  • What type of physics will I be analyzing during the tutorial?

  • How do I run a simplified event loop to get the dijet invariant mass distribution from our signal sample?

  • Famliarize yourself with the physics context for our toy analysis

  • Practice compiling running a simplified event loop over our signal sample to get some distributions of interest

  • Get an idea (but not necessarily an exhaustive understanding) of how our toy analysis is encoded


To introduce the RECAST concepts during the tutorial, we’ll work on RECASTing a simple stand-alone toy analysis originally developed by Adam Parker, Samuel Meehan and Karol Krizka for the 2019 US-ATLAS computing bootcamp.

The toy analysis looks at the “VHbb” Higgs search channel, with the Higgs decaying to b-quarks:

For the purposes of this bootcamp, we will be focusing on the channel in which a Z boson decays to two charged leptons which are either electrons or muons. This is identified with a Dataset Identifier (DSID) which is 345055.

The challenge of this search is in reconstructing the decay of the Higgs to a pair of b-quarks, which appear in the detector as hadronic jets (0712.2447). However, if you can correctly identify the two jets which originate from the Higgs decay, then you can invoke four-momentum conservation and reconstruct the invariant mass of that decay.

Therefore, throughout this tutorial, this is the primary observable that we will be exploring : the invariant mass of a pair of hadronic jets.


Obtaining the Analysis File

For this toy analysis, we’ll only make use of simulated signal, not background - when we get to worrying about backgrounds, they’ll just be modeled analytically.

If you haven’t already, please download the sample signal file for the VHbb process with Z decaying to two leptons: link to analysis file download.

A statistically equivalent file can also be downloaded using rucio if preferred:

rucio get --nrandom 1 mc16_13TeV.345055.PowhegPythia8EvtGen_NNPDF3_AZNLO_ZH125J_MINLO_llbb_VpT.deriv.DAOD_EXOT27.e5706_s3126_r10724_p3840

Running the Toy Analysis

First, go to, and make a personal fork of the recast-standalone repo by clicking on the white “Fork” button on the upper right (just next to the blue “Clone” button). Clone your fork of the repo:

# ssh clone (don't need password verification)
git clone --recursive ssh://[your_username]/recast-standalone.git            

# Or, https clone
git clone --recursive[your_username]/recast-standalone.git

If you haven’t already, pull the atlas/analysisbase:21.2.85-centos7 docker image:

docker pull atlas/analysisbase:21.2.85-centos7

Set up the AnalysisBase environment

Once the signal DOAD is finished downloading, run the atlas/analysisbase:21.2.85-centos7 docker image in interactive mode, volume-mounting the data file and current directory to the container:

cd recast-standalone
docker run --rm -it -v /full/path/to/DAOD_EXOT27.17882736._000008.pool.root.1:/Data/signal_daod.root -v $PWD:/Tutorial atlas/analysisbase:21.2.85-centos7 bash

You should now find yourself in the atlas/analysisbase:21.2.85-centos7 container, with a command prompt that looks like:

[bash][atlas]:workdir >

Source the release setup script to set up the ATLAS release environment:

[bash][atlas]:workdir > . ~/ 

which should produce:

Configured GCC from: /opt/lcg/gcc/8.3.0-cebb0/x86_64-centos7/bin/gcc
Configured AnalysisBase from: /usr/AnalysisBase/21.2.85/InstallArea/x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt
[bash][atlas AnalysisBase-21.2.85]:workdir >

Build and run

Now, cd into the /Tutorial directory, and do an ls to confirm that it has the same contents as the recast-standalone git repo. Also check that the /Data directory contains the signal DAOD file:

cd /Tutorial
ls  source
ls /Data

If everything is as expected, create build and run directories, and use cmake to compile the code in the build directory:

mkdir build run
cd build
cmake ../source

If the compilation was successful, you can now source to make the AnalysisPayload executable callable from anywhere.

. x86_64-centos7-gcc8-opt/

Now, run the AnalysisPayload executable to loop over jets in each event - applying some simple cuts - and produce root histograms with distributions of the number of jets and leading dijet invariant mass. The input signal DAOD, output root file, and number of events to run over are provided as command-line arguments:

cd ../run
AnalysisPayload /Data/signal_daod.root output_hist.root 10000

Note that we’re just limiting the number of events to 10000 for this quick demo run. If no third argument is specified, the executable will by default run over all events in the DAOD.

If it ran successfully, you should now have a histogram named output_hist.root in the current run directory, and two pdf files visualizing the hists contained in output_hist.root.

mjj.pdf			njets.pdf		output_hist.root

Outside of the container, cd into the recast-standalone/run directory (which should have been created since the recast-standalone directory was volume-mounted), and open up the pdf files with a pdf viewer. Check that they look something like:


Exercise (15 min)

Outside of the container, open up the AnalysisPayload.cxx source file, located in recast-standalone/source/AnalysisPayload/utils/AnalysisPayload.cxx and take some time to go through it and get a feel for what it’s doing. If it helps, you can use the following questions as a guide:

Question 1

a) Is it necessary to supply command-line arguments to the AnalysisPayload executable?

b) If we didn’t supply command-line arguments, what precautions would we need to ensure that the program runs successfully?

c) What’s the purpose of the third optional command-line argument?

Questions 2

a) Identify the event loop (i.e. the loop that iterates over each event in the input DAOD file).

b) Within the event loop, what three values are extracted from the EventInfo container for each event? Which of these three values is used later on when filling histograms?

Question 3

a) Identify the loop over all akt4 jets in a given event within the event loop.

b) Where is the jet quality cut applied?

Question 4

What’s the purpose of the mcEventWeight argument to the Fill() function on lines 80 and 83?

Question 5

How does the dijet invariant mass calculation on line 83 ensure that the two leading jets - i.e. the jets with the highest transverse momentum (pT) - are being selected?


Question 1 a) No, it’s not necessary, but you need to be careful if you don’t (see part b)

b) We’d need to ensure that the DAOD was named DAOD_EXOT27.17882736._000019.pool.root.1 and located in a directory called mc16_13TeV.345055.PowhegPythia8EvtGen_NNPDF3_AZNLO_ZH125J_MINLO_llbb_VpT.deriv.DAOD_EXOT27.e5706_s3126_r10724_p3840 located in the run directory (or wherever we run the AnalysisPayload executable from)

c) The third optional command-line argument (line 35) allows the user to specify the number of events to run over, rather than the default of running over all events in the file. This can be useful when you just want to run over a small subset of the events for quick debugging.

Question 2

a) The event loop is the for() loop that runs over event indices from 0 to numEntries. It spans lines 51-88.

b) The three values extracted from the EventInfo container are:

  • runNumber,

  • eventNumber, and

  • the 0th element of the mcEventWeights vector, representing the “nominal” MC event weight.

The nominal mcEventWeight is used later on to weight the events when adding them to histograms.

Question 3

a) The loop over all akt4 jets in a given event spans lines 70-77.

b) The jet quality cut is applied with the if( myJetTool.isJetGood(jet) ) condition on line 74.

Question 4

The mcEventWeight argument to Fill() weights each event by the mcEventWeight attributed to the event by the event generator before filling the histogram with the event.

Question 5

Jets are in general stored vectors in order of descending pT, so choosing the 0th and first elements of the signal_jets vector (after checking that it actually has at least two elements) automatically ensures that we’re getting the leading-pT jets. Sorry if that seemed like a trick question, I just wanted to bring it up because it wasn’t obvious to me when I first started working with jet vectors…).

Key Points

  • We’ll be studying the reconstruction of a Higgs decaying to a pair of b-quarks

  • The dijet invariant mass is the key observable

  • We have a simple event loop in place to extract the dijet invariant mass (mjj) distribution from a signal sample

  • The key takeaway is to understand how to run the code to get the mjj distribution - it’s not necessary to understand every detail of how it works