Docker Crash Course Part 2: Running and Building Containers


Teaching: 20 min
Exercises: 0 min
  • How can I customize docker images and run them as containers on my machine?

  • How do I give a running docker container access to files and directories on my machine?

  • Understand how containers help you encapsulate your environment

  • Practice creating and running docker containers

Running containers

To use a Docker image as a particular instance on a host machine you run it as a container. You can run in either a detached or foreground (interactive) mode.

Run the image we pulled as an interactive container

docker run -it matthewfeickert/intro-to-docker:latest /bin/bash

You are now inside the container in an interactive bash session. Check the file directory


and check the host to see that you are not in your local host system


Monitoring Containers

Open up a new terminal tab on the host machine and list the containers that are currently running

docker ps
CONTAINER ID        IMAGE         COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS              PORTS               NAMES
<generated id>      <image:tag>   "/bin/bash"         n minutes ago       Up n minutes                            <generated name>

Volume Mounting

You can make files and directories accessible to the container by mounting them as volumes to the container with the -v flag. This allows for direct access to the host file system inside of the container and for container processes to write directly to the host file system.

docker run -v <path on host>:<path in container> <image>

For example, to mount your current working directory on your local machine to the data directory in the example container

docker run --rm -it -v $PWD:/home/docker/data matthewfeickert/intro-to-docker

From inside the container you can ls to see the contents of your directory on your local machine


and yet you are still inside the container


You can also see that any files created in this path in the container persist upon exit

touch created_inside.txt
ls *.txt

This I/O allows for Docker images to be used for specific tasks that may be difficult to do with the tools or software installed on only the local host machine. For example, debugging problems with software that arise on cross-platform software, or even just having a specific version of software perform a task (e.g., using Python 2 when you don’t want it on your machine, or using a specific release of TeX Live when you aren’t ready to update your system release).

CMD Dockerfile Instruction

If you’re super observant, you may have noticed that the startup command /bin/bash was used to start the container in a bash shell when we first ran the matthewfeickert/intro-to-docker:latest, but the second time we ran the container (when we added the -v $PWD:/home/docker/data), we didn’t specify a startup command. How did the container still know to start in a bash shell?

No, docker doesn’t have mind-reading functionality (yet…). Rather, this behaviour comes from the fact that the Dockerfile used to create this image includes an instruction CMD ["/bin/bash"] at the end, where the CMD command specifies that the container should start up in the bash shell by default if no other startup command is specified in the docker run command. If another startup command is specified, like

docker run -it matthewfeickert/intro-to-docker:latest python

then this will override the default set by the CMD option, so the container will in this case start up with a python command-line prompt instead (try it out!).

Writing Dockerfiles to Build Images

Docker images are built through the Docker engine by reading the instructions from a Dockerfile. These text based documents provide the instructions though an API similar to the Linux operating system commands to execute commands during the build. The Dockerfile for the example image being used is an example of some simple extensions of the official Python 3.6.8 Docker image.

As a very simple of extending the example image into a new image create a Dockerfile on your local machine

touch Dockerfile

and then write in it the Docker engine instructions to add cowsay and scikit-learn to the environment

# Dockerfile
FROM matthewfeickert/intro-to-docker:latest
USER root
RUN apt-get -qq -y install cowsay && \
  ln -s /usr/games/cowsay /usr/bin/cowsay
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -q scikit-learn
USER docker

Dockerfile layers

Each RUN command in a Dockerfile creates a new layer to the Docker image. In general, each layer should try to do one job and the fewer layers in an image the easier it is compress. When trying to upload and download images on demand the smaller the size the better.

Don’t run as root

By default Docker containers will run as root. This is a bad idea and a security concern. Instead, setup a default user (like docker in the example) and if needed give the user greater privileges.

Then build an image from the Dockerfile and tag it with a human readable name

docker build -f Dockerfile -t extend-example:latest .

You can now run the image as a container and verify for yourself that your additions exist

docker run --rm -it extend-example:latest /bin/bash
which cowsay
cowsay "Hello from Docker"
pip list | grep scikit
python3 -c "import sklearn as sk; print(sk)"
< Hello from Docker >
        \   ^__^
         \  (oo)\_______
            (__)\       )\/\
                ||----w |
                ||     ||

scikit-learn       0.21.3
<module 'sklearn' from '/usr/local/lib/python3.6/site-packages/sklearn/'>

Key Points

  • Dockerfiles let you to customize a base docker image to get the exact environment you want

  • Volume-mounting lets you specify the exact files and directories on your machine that you want a running container to have access to