ATLAS RECAST Tutorial: Setup

  1. Install docker on the machine you intend to use for the tutorial (I’d recommend a linux or mac personal computer). Link to docker installation instructions.

  2. Please do the following docker pulls beforehand to save time during the tutorial:
      docker pull atlas/analysisbase:21.2.85-centos7
      docker pull matthewfeickert/intro-to-docker
      docker pull debian:buster
      docker pull yadage/yadage
      docker pull yadage/tutorial-messagewriter
      docker pull yadage/tutorial-uppermaker
  3. After logging into the gitlab registry with your CERN username and password, also pull the image we’ll use during the tutorial for pyhf fitting:
      docker login
      docker pull
  4. Download and untar the VHbb signal DAOD file (321 MB) we’ll be running over with our analysis code. Link to downlaod DOAD file. After downloading, just keep it somewhere where you’ll be able to find it again during the tutorial.

    A statistically equivalent file can also be downloaded using rucio if preferred (just keep in mind that the filename will probably be slightly different if you go with this option):

     rucio get --nrandom 1 mc16_13TeV.345055.PowhegPythia8EvtGen_NNPDF3_AZNLO_ZH125J_MINLO_llbb_VpT.deriv.DAOD_EXOT27.e5706_s3126_r10724_p3840